Pushing Past The Comfort Zone

07:40 Amy 4 Comments

I have finally loss the stone in weight which I set out to do and I am so happy that I have stuck with my lifestyle changes, it's made me realise the important things in life. 

I was speechless when weighing myself and I almost couldn't believe that I had managed to achieve it. I was always one to crisps, chocolate and I mean a big bag of Doritos and a whole sharing bag of magic stars. If someone was to ask me if I could give them up before 2015 I wouldn't of said yes.  I still have little luxuries like this but it is rare and I will syn them to stay on target.

looking back on the last 2 and a half months I have come so far in so many different ways.  My body is making me feel comfortable in my own skin and building my confidence to be able to wear more tight fitting clothes and dress' I wouldn't normally wear because I was always conscious of my belly. 

I've finally got back in my exercising after a month of, which I am slightly regretting but I have come to the realisation that when I do it I quite enjoy it and it's a sense of achievement every time I finish a workout and my stomach area is benefiting. I only work out twice a week just due the the fact of working full time and not really having the time. 

I think for some people it's so hard to push out of that zone and have the willpower to I force into place what you want for yourself. "Outside Of The Comfort Zone Is Where The Magic Happens"

Will it be easy? Maybe not but it will be worth it!



  1. Yaaaay well done! I completely agree that you should try to come out of your comfort zones! I tried running years ago and went running once, hated it and never tried it again until recently and now I love it, but I had to really force myself to start because I thought I would hate it again. Once you start seeing the benefits that really helps as well. I just need to use your weight loss as inspiration to stop snacking and eat healthier haha!

    I also love magic stars :(


    1. As soon as you get into the habit of eating the right foods it all starts to fall into place and becomes more of your lifestyle. Keep going, you will get there!


  2. Congrats on the achievement!! I love exercising and usually go 5 times a week but I am so bad when it comes to eating (I am definitely still a whole bag of doritos and half the fridge kind of girl). I'm going on a beach holiday this summer so I'm hoping that will give me the motivation to really stick at healthy eating! Lucy, aspectatorsport.com xx

    1. My holiday is also my motivation, I'm aiming on toning up a bit more now but when your life is soo busy it's hard to find time.
