I'm Feeling 22!

05:58 Amy 2 Comments

Happy Birthday To Me, 
Happy Birthday To Me, 
Happy Birthday To Me, 
Happy Birthday To Me.

I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22. I know it's cheesy but I felt it had to be done, you only turn 22 once.

I can't believe how quickly the last year as gone and it's nice to be able to reflect on what has changed. This time last year I had the courage to leave a job which was affecting my home life as I wasn't happy and to find a new job which I love. I've flown the nest and live with my boyfriend and we are saving to buy our own house I've grown up a lot and learnt new things to make me a stronger and happier person.

My Birthday Wish is to make the next 365 days in my 22nd year count. I want to visit new places with my boyfriend and continue looking forward to the future together and to continue to believe in myself.

As for my Birthday my Boyfriend Ross has booked us two nights away to Colchester so I am off to Enjoy and I can't wait to blog all about it!

Amy x


  1. Hope you had a fab birthday and the next 365 days bring amazing things for you! <3 xxxx

  2. I hope you had a lovely birthday Amy! Ooo that trip sounds amazing, hopefully you will get to go on more in the next 365 days like you said! xxx
    Becky.x || www.beckybeablog.blogspot.com
